Getting Started
Getting started > How To Create a SaberTrade Link
How To Create a SaberTrade Link
  • To create a SaberTrade link, navigate to “Create” in the top right of the home page, or “Create a SABERTRADE Link” from your dashboard.
  • You’ll be redirected to where you will be prompted to enter information necessary to create your link:
    • First, select the Destination of the link, for example Informational/News Article, Email, Newsletter, Social Media Post, Quote Page, or Other.
    • Enter the Title of the Destination of the link - this will help you track all of your links and easily identify your top performers.
    • If applicable, for example on a News Article, you will enter the URL of the article where the link will be included, which will allow that content to be promoted in our Content Aggregator.
    • If applicable, you will then select an expiration date, or check the box that the link does not need an expiration date. For example, if your content is that a particular stock is a good buy ahead of earnings next week, you may want that link to expire before earnings of that stock is reported.
    • Enter the asset information by selecting if the asset(s) is stock, cryptocurrency or an option contract, select the symbol by typing it into the Symbol section and then select the recommended size of the trade. All sizes are set at 1 share or contract unless otherwise specified. You can add as many assets as you’d like by clicking on the “Add Asset” button below the Assets on the screen. To remove an asset, simply click the “Trash” icon on the right side of the particular asset.
    • Once you are happy with the information to include in the link, click “Generate Link” in the bottom right of the screen and your link will be generated and populated in the table on your Dashboard.
  • create-link
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