Getting Started
Getting started > Are you an organization?
Are you an Organization?
As an Organization on SaberTrade, we have built a management system to meet your needs, as well as a way to integrate your current content management system with an API.
To get started, ensure your Creators are signing up for SaberTrade. They do not need to go through the process of creating a Payout account with Stripe as this will be handled at the Organization level. To create an Organization account, contact and we will ensure this is setup properly. You will receive a registration email when this step is complete.
When you sign up for SaberTrade, you get the following:
  • The ability to publish links that provide monetization for your trading content.
  • Simple buy buttons.
  • Custom-styled components based on your branding.
  • Work with you to create custom widgets for your articles.
  • A dedicated dashboard to monitor your Creators content.
  • User Management
  • Analytics for your Creators and their content
When your Creators publish articles, they will appear on your Organization dashboard:
Here you will also be able to see the lifetime earnings of all your creators, as well as the current balance that is available to withdraw.
If your team desires access to our API, we would like to have a discussion including our technical team. This will ensure your receive support for your integration and are able to access our API’s.
Next Steps:
  • Add creators to your organization
  • Add a payout account with Stripe
Additional Information:
API Documentation
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